Human Rights Slide Show Women

Opposing Schools ban; Schools ban do not have cultural root cause


Adela Azin Nazari
Tsraslated by: M.Rezaie

Though girls schools above grad 6 were open to grils in Gardiz the provincial capital city of Paktia, Taliban closed the doors of the girls after two weeks there and put an end to their faint hope. Objecting the Taliban decision, girl students staged huge demonstrations against Taliban decision and called them to open school doors to them.

At the same time, Helmand and Kandahar residents also staged demonstrations and said if schools doors are not opened to Paktia and other girls they will migrate for their daughters education to other countries. They said during the last year all Afghans have staged demonstrations in different parts of the country and have urged Taliban to end school ban of girls and it means all Afghans support education of their daughters.

Helmand and Paktia residents have stressed education of girls as their red line and they are determined to support their daughters’ education.

While Nurullah Moonir the acting Minister of Taliban in a speech in Uruzgan said school ban has a cultural reason and Afghan parents do not want their daughters above 16 to go to school in the current situation, Afghans have staged protests against Taliban educational policies in different cities.

Helmand and Paktia residents have stressed education of girls as their red line and they are determined to support their daughters’ education.

Rina Amiri the US special Envoy on Afghan women reacted to the Taliban Acting Minister of Education and in a twit said, “Reaming schools’ “Reaming schools’ doors closed in Afghanistan do not have cultural cause root.”

Rinam Amiri has supported Paktia girls protests to open schools and said, “Taliban policies on women and girls education are pessimistic and they destroy the girls’ dreams and direct Afghanistan towards poverty and hopelessness.”

Afghanistan’s Women self-motivated movement staged a demonstration in the morning of Saturday supporting Paktai Girls demand and said, “It is the demand of Afghan people. So, we all shall support this wise move and demand of Paktia girls.”

In part of the statement released by Afghan women rights protesters it reads during one of year of dark Taliban rule Afghans have lost their hope to a better future and tyranny, poverty, genocide, school ban on girls and exclusion of women from the political and social structures have been the only policies Taliban have strictly pursued in the country.

They said it is one year that we demand our rights to bread, work and freedom from the Taliban and we totally support the demands of Paktia girls and will take all the necessary measures to promote the rights of Paktia girls.

Heather Barr the associate director of the Women’s Rights Division at Human Rights Watch, “Afghan Women Continue Protests.” She twitted.

It is more than one year Taliban have seized power in Afghanistan, but they have only pursued excluding Afghan women from the political, legal, and social and education scenes. Though Afghan women and men have constantly raised their voices against Taliban policies but they have not changed them and they do not accept education of women and other basic rights of the Afghan women and girls and all Afghan citizens. The international community just watch the Taliban atrocities and they only denounce them but international community take no concrete steps to stop Taliban atrocities.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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