Opinion Slide Show

Humiliation and Oppression as the Only Outcome of Current Islamic Culture


By Dr.Roohullah Kazemi, P.H.D in Islamic Philisophy
Translator: M.Rezaie

Supervising Institutions on the Current Situation (1)
Verily the unfounded human beings, first lose their feeling in the felt area of the adventure and as such prevented from realizing their wills; but at the deeper level, at the historical level, would be unfounded and thus lose their position.

If we comprehend, historical emergence and presence are inherently equal to non-separable political presence. But absence from the political sphere leads to decline and inability and puts humanity on the verge of any evil. Exactly as the paper which has been torn out in the hands of the cruel time and pushed it to any direction. As a result, A human Obliterated Politics politics/history-knowingly or unknowingly- lacks sensuality in himself, and the body of the most ni·hil·ist man is his shoulders. He may have no to tongue to talk of this emptiness to narrate the ashes of his deterioration.

Human being is considered the foundation of any culture; meaning that any civilization has been initiated with the dignity of human being. The much human being has been valued and respected, the more it has been enriched. However, freedom has been the main element of sustaining honor of the human being. Because human being only can be honored by respecting and safeguarding their freedom. And human being can be totally humiliated by denying their freedom. I am tempted to say that God is praised with nothing better than freedom. As the Satan is called rejected from the home of God, thus a humiliated human being is the same! From the mystic point of view, maybe there is nothing worse than (infidelity and considering a partner for God) but accepting humiliation and oppression. Such claim holds true both about a person and an ethnic group in the context of history.

Anyhow, shining periods of civilization in fact are the shining of freedom of human being. For instance, art, philosophy, law, civil and scientific developments of the ancient Greek were the product of a human being who lived a free life, talked boldly and freely and protected his position and social status based on democracy. Overall, freedom was considered the only practice and persistence for living and thinking and the Greek human being considered themselves clearly as slaves if their freedom was denied or restricted.

If one considers the translation age during Abbasids, indeed the development and creation of this period is indebted to freedom of writing, thinking and living, at least in Baghdad’s ceremonies. If we believe such freedom was not extended to the public and as a result, the public life environment did not change. The age translation is the Islamic renaissance and writers, from different fields and geographical places rushed to meet each other and whatever emerges in the coming centuries are the products of this period and more importantly, they did not go beyond this period. Anyway, all those developments were due to human being honor and freedom or was a kind of humanism emerged in that period. It is not necessary to mention that humanism is the foundation of modern civilization; but the difference is that such foundation was announced from different aspects, especially denying a mesticism world  and super natural and it looks as the human being contracted with himself and cancelled other contracts.

The subject of the former two steps was this; honor of the human being will not be ensured except by freedom. And freedom is the origin of any civilization and culture. But I raised this issue to raise the question why human being in the Islamic culture and by the same culture is humiliated severely!?

I see no one humiliated more than a Muslim in today’s world. A Muslim is belonging to any path and fiqh, is called infidel by the same Islamic Sharia. And the sources of all such Takfirs are Quaran and Sunnah. They are called infidel, humiliated and killed and oppressed and looted through the same sources. Thus, when I look carefully, I see the blood and honor of no Muslim is respected by other one. No Muslim feels security and prosperity in his homeland, but feels terror and fear. Hatred and enmity are the rule of social interactions instead of the Islamic brotherhood.

More importantly, no Muslim can think and write freely neither in his homeland nor in abroad. But costing his life or honor. Exactly, it is the main reason behind fleeing their homelands. If we look carefully, we would find that behind any takfir, humiliation, and aggression in the Islamic world, there is a sharia order. Overall, neither in Islamic politics nor in Islamic culture the spirituality is dominant. In another word, as all dimensions lack spirituality, rationality has diminished in all areas too; except imitational rationality due to political fear, lent rationality in culture and profit based rationality in the social sphere. In sum, humiliation and suppression are the most important outcomes of the Islamic culture in our age.

If we ask what is the root cause of such humiliation and suppression? We must say: Political tyranny in the form of common good of the Islamic States.

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