Human Rights Slide Show Women

Taliban Whipped 2 women, 3 men in Zabul


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: A video which went viral on social media show many Taliban push to a door where 3 men and 2 women are being whipped by them.

Local sources in Qalat city reported to media that Taliban whipped 3 men and 2 women in the public.

It said that the primary court has considered them criminal and then they were whipped bas on field court.

According to the local sources 2 women and 1 man were whipped accused of adultery and 2 other men were whipped accused of robbery.

Mawlawi Rahmatullah Hemad Niaze director of Culture and Information of Taliban in Zabul said that they have whipped 21 to 39 times.

2 women and 1 man has been sentenced for 2 years and the 2 thieves have been centenced for 1 year.

At the same time, one day after this incident in Zabul, local people arrested two Taliban soldiers accused on adultery.

The incident occurred in Amaki of Zabul and the Taliban soldiers were arrested in a house. They have confessed after people arrested them.
Local sources said that Taliban officials in Zabul PD4, tried to release these soldiers, but people prevented them to be released.

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