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Taliban Staged anti US Demostrations


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Taliban have ordered people in different provinces to stage anti US demonstrations after the Friday prayer.

Prayers in Kabul, Nangarhar, Paktika, Khost, Ghor and Badghis demonstrated chanting Down with the USA slogans on 5 August.

They demonstrated to denounce the US drone attack in Kabul killing Ayman al-Zawahiri the leader of Al-Qaeda terrorist group.

Demonstrators in Khost urged the US not to violate the Doha treaty, but the US Secretary of State said the Taliban have violated the Doha treaty by giving sanctuary to Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Taliban authorities have repeatedly said that they have cut off their ties with terrorist groups including Al-Qaeda. Taliban said they have not been informed of the presence of Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul.

At the same time, local sources in Zabul said that the Taliban had forced people to demonstrate against the US.

Taliban have also told the media in Ghor to cover the demonstrations in a way as people have staged them against the US.

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