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After UN Report on Afghanistan; Taliban Detained, Tortured and Beheaded Tens of People


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): UN published its report on human rights in Afghanistan under the Taliban. The report shows (from August 15, 2021 to June 15, 2022), about 2016 civilians have been killed and injured by ISIS and Taliban.

The report says that these groups have attacked mainly the religious and ethnic groups in worship places, educational centers and living places.

Also the report says that Taliban have committed the most human rights violations during the 10 month of their rule on Afghanistan. They have also executed extra judicially 160, have harassed 173 journalists and have violated the rights of human rights activists.

Taliban rejected the UN report. Mullah Habatullah Akhondzada the leader of the Taliban group issued a decree. “According to the Islamic teachings” baseless accusation of the authorities is not allowed and emphasized such measures will have punishment.

“Shiver and rumors have no place in Islam because they cause hatred among the Muslims.” The decree says.

Zabihullah Mujahid the spokesperson of Taliban called the UN report on Human Rights in Afghanistan as baseless.

The Taliban forces started detaining, torturing and killing civilains one day after UNAMA report was released in different provinces of Afghanistan which some of the have been highlighted here.

Samangan: Local sources reported that Taliban had searched house in house 90 houses in Samangan on July 22.

According to these local sources Taliban have tortured and beaten up the detained people and have told them to pay them money and give them weapons.

Panjshir: Local sources in Panjshir reported that Taliban detained 23 civilians from Dare Ab on 14 July in Panjshir.

The local sources added that they have been accuse of cooperating with the Natioanl Resistance Front.

The local sources said that 13 civilians were released after they were interrogated but, 7 of them are detained yet.

Daykundi: Local sources in Daykundi say that Taliban take their share from the humanitarian aid for the poor people.

There were reports that Taliban use the humanitarian aid to recruit soldiers and in many cases they use them for their personal gains.

Baghlan: Taliban beheaded a young boy named Shamsullah, 17, before the eyes of his family in Kasatarash village.

Local sources have added that Shamsullah’s father has taken the dead body of his son with the cooperation of the local people to the chief police of the district but, Taliban have kicked Shamsullah’s dead body and have broken the hands of his father.

As a consequence, there has been a clash between Tajik Taliban with Pastoon Taliban there.

Bamyan: Mawlawi Islamuddin Othmani the Director of Education has detained, beaten up and taken to an unknown place of the employees on July 21.

The local sources said that the detained person is named Ghulam Sakhi and worked for transactions department of Bamyan.
Mawlawi Islamuddin is accused for ethical and administrative corruption by media.

Panshir: Local sources in Dara district say that Taliban detained son and farmer of the former provincial attorney Alim on 20 July.

Local sources Farid, a former criminal who had a case, has detained these individuals for personal reasons.

Ghazni: Local sources say that Taliban director of Health in Ghazni has ordered the male employees not to speak with female employees.

According to a letter issued by Directorate of ordering to virtue of Ghazni, working of male and femal in one place has been prohibited. The letter prohibits women employees from employing male support staff.

Bamyan: Mawlawi Abdul Raeuf, Deputy Intelligence for Bamyan has released an individual accused of raping from the provincial prison of Bamyan on 21 July.

Bigzad the convicted person was the Taliban manager of Dareh Sadat clinic who had been detained accused of raping.

Qandahar-Helmand: Local sources said that Taliban detained two civil society activists in Qandahar and Helmand provinces on 21 July.

Local sources said that they have been detained for revealing the problems of the people on social media.

Ghor: The office of Taliban governor for Ghor has said that they have whipped one man and one woman for illegal meeting in the public space.
According to the newsleteer of the office of the Taliban governor, each of them had been whipped 39 times.
Baghaln: Local sources in Baghlan said that Taliban have forced 150 families to leave the area after they were defeated by the NRF on 21 July.

Local sources added that these people have been tortured by Taliban for being the relative of the military oppositions of Taliban and then have been forcibly displaced.

Panjshir: Local sources in Panjshri said that 5 civilians had been detained by Taliban on 21 July.
Taliban had detained 40 civilians from Anaba district days ago and there is no information available about them.

Local sources said that they had been accused of cooperating with the NRF.

Panjshir: Local sources said that Taliban beaten a shepherd woman in Dareh district, Panjshir on 20 July.
Formerly, Taliban had killed a woman for delivering food to the NRF.

Balkh: Local sources said that Taliban detained a radio presenter of Rahnaward Private TV and Radio, in Mazar e Sharif on 17 July.
Local sources added that Taliban had told him to provide them a gun.

Taliban will continue, detaining, torturing and extrajudicial killings, violation of human rights of the former government employees and non-Pashtoon residents of the country unless the international community impose sanctions and punish the group.