Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Remembering the Victims of Lal wa Sarjangle; One of the Injured Persons Cannot Afford His Treatment


Rahmat’s leg has been broken due to gun shot and they cannot afford its surgery.

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way):  Twenty days ago the Taliban forces attacked on Mohammad Ali, a former public uprising commander, in Lal wa Sarjangel. As a result, 8 members of Moradi’s family were killed and injured.

The local sources in Ghor say that other members of the victims face mental-physical problems.

Remembering the Victims of June 26

The late Moradi’s relatives gathered in his house on 16 July to commemorate him in Ghor. Then they went to the grave yard that Moradi and his two daughters, Ghula Haidar and Asif have been buried. But, Arif is buried in his own village (Shinia).

Moradi’s family who have survived the Taliban attack, have hanged a black cloth as the sign of mourning on the wall of their home and beside it, the names, identities, date and place of their martyrdom have been written; Martyr Mohammad Ali Moradi, Martyer Taj Gul Moradi, Martyr Zarin Moradi, Martyr Asif Rezaee and Maryr Arif Sangari. Date of Martyrdom: 26, June, 2022. Place of Martyrdom: Village of Dahan e Chahar Asiab Giro.

Nobody Helped them

The relatives of Moradi told Jade-Abresham that those members of Moradi’s family who have survived the Taliban attack are in a bad financial conditions because Taliban looted their properties. 4 sons and 7 daughters of Moradi and his wife and mother have survived the attack. But, Taj Gul and Zarin were killed in the attack. Two sons of Moradi have escaped to Iran. Moradi’s mother and Rahmat, Moradi’s son, have been injured due to the attack and have not recovered yet. According to Moradi’s relatives, Rahmat’s leg has been broken due to gun shot and they cannot afford its surgery.

Ghula Haidar, Moradi’s niece, was also killed in the attack. 2 sons, 3 daughters and mother of Ghulam Haidar have lost their family head.

But, Taliban killed brutally Asif and Arif. Taliban first have taken out parts of their bodies and then shot killed them.

3 daughters and 3 sons, wife and mother of Asif and one small child girl and mother of Aref have survived which face economic problems.