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Unquestionable Murders; Taliban detained, tortured, killed 40 in a week

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)
15 July2022
It is about one year the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan. During this period international community and human rights groups have failed to stop the Taliban of detaining, torturing and killing the Afghans. The Taliban have detained, tortured and killed about 40 civilians in the last week.


Taliban detained 30 civilians from Khost district of Baghaln on 13 July. According to the local sources of Baghlan the Taliban have tortured and beaten the detainees.
Sending 600 fresh troops to Baghlan, Taliban have warned the residents of Khost district, they will behead anyone above 10 if they have relations with the NRF.

At the same time, tens of families from Khost district have left their homed and have been displaced to the neighboring provinces due to the Taliban pressures.


Local sources in Bamyan province say that on 12 July, the Taliban forces have detained a foreign tourist along with his interpreter and bodyguard from Bamyan city.

Local sources say that the bodyguard of this journalist has been a Taliban force and has gunshot irresponsibly. As a consequence, Taliban have arrested the tourist and other two men.


Taliban detained a young Ziaul Haq, a young boy, on 10 July, from Pozrig village of Khost district and shot killed him.

Local sources say that Ziaul Haq was an educated and civilian body and had not connections with the NRF.

Taliban forces detained Sayed Amanullah Nabawi, a former security force, from Banoe Andarab district of Baghlan.

Local sources in Baghlan say that Amanullah had no military activities after the Collapse of the Republic and had no relations with the opposition armed groups.


Taliban forces beat severely two young man for listening to music. Local sources in Zabul say, Taliban check mobile phones of the young people and if they find music files on them, they will punish them.

About the author

Mohammad Ahmadi

Mohammad Ahmadi

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