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The Message of the Taliban’s Religious Scholars Resolution; The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is a Legitimate System and its oppositions Required to Be Killed


Jade-Abresham(Silk way)Weekly: The Taliban’s Religious Scholars meeting was held on 30 June, in Kabul at the Loya Jirga hall without the participation of women and religious and ethnic minority groups. About 3,500 religious scholars and ethnic leaders participated in the meeting.
The meeting was conducted without allowing the journalists to be present in the meeting. And selected parts of the debates were published by Afghanistan National Radio and TV and Bakhtar agency which are under the control of Taliban. All Taliban leaders participated and gave speeches in the meeting.

On the first day of the Meeting; Oppositions of Taliban Must Be Beheaded
The meeting started with the Speech of Mullah Hassan Akhond the Chief Minister of the Taliban. He said that the Islamic system was achieved through countless victims and it required to be protected.
Mawlawi Habibullah Haqqani the chairman of the meeting mentioned the Taliban leader as the Rashdin Caliphs and urged the nation to obey him with no doubt.

The main message of the meeting was announced by Mawlawi Mujibul Rahman Ansari, the Imam of one of the mosques of Herat. He said anyone opposing the Taliban, must be beheaded.
Ansari urged the religious clergies to issue a fatwa against those who oppose the Taliban. “All Afghan religious scholars must issue a fatwa against those who revolt against our Islamic System; they must be beheaded.”

Mawlawi Ansari had called the former Republic government the puppet of the foreigners and had called on the people to Jihad and revolt against it.

The Second Day; The Taliban Leader Gave a Speech

Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada gives rare public speech at the meeting of the clerics while his back was to the audience. The clerics showed their allegiance to Akhundzada by raising their hands. However, nobody saw his face.
“We are now a free and an independent country,” he said. In terms of foreign interference, “We will not do what the infidels’ order, even if we are bombed by atomic bombs,” he said.

The Third Day of the Meeting
On the third day the all-male clerics issues a statement that they called it the product of the discussions of 30 committees during the three-day conference. In the first and second articles it said, Akhondzada is a sharia ruler and making an allegiance with him is a religious duty.

The third article mentions that The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan enjoys local legitimacy to maintain security, tackle corruption and form a strong government.

In the fourth and fifth articles, the clerics urged the region, international community, and the UN to recognize the Taliban government as a legitimized system and avoid interfering in the internal affairs of Afghanistan.
In the 6th article, it is mentioned that opposing the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is considered a rebellion, and one who stands against it, must be beheaded. In the 7th article, it is mentioned that Afghans must not cooperate with ISIS. Nothing has been mentioned in terms of opening the girls’ schools but it has called on the Taliban government to pay special attention and ensure women’s rights and the rights of minorities.
The meeting denied elections and called on the people to obey the Emirate with no doubt and make allegiance to the leader of the Taliban.
There were attacks on the clerics with light and heavy guns leaving several casualties.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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