Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Eleven Afghan Sikhs leave the country


Jade-Abrsham(Silk way)Weekly: Indian media reported on 30 June, that a group of 11 Sikhs will be evacuated by a flight to Delhi.
The ashes of Savinder singh, who was killed, and Rakbir Singh, who was wounded, in an ISK terrorist attack on a Hindu temple in Karte Parwan of Kabul. The Minority group of Sikhs of Afghanistan has been the target of a series of terrorist attacks in the country and tens of them have been killed and wounded in these attacks.
On 1 July 2018, in a suicide bombing in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, at least 17 people were killed, most of the members of the country’s Sikh minority. Among those killed was the only Sikh candidate who had planned to contest October’s parliamentary elections. The suicide attack was attributed to Haqqani Network.
On March 25, 2020, at least 26 and wounded 8 people were killed in an attack on a Sikh-Hindu temple in Shor Bazar ally of Afghanistan’s capital.

The last attack was carried Sikh temple in Kabul on June 19, 2022, killing 2 and wounding 8 people

Escape of Colors
Before the civil war in Afghanistan about 200,000 Hindu-Sikhs lived in the country. According to the Voice of America they had about 162 temples in 32 provinces of Afghanistan. However, after the civil war, they faced mounting challenges. As a result, they started leaving Afghanistan as the hardliners could not tolerate the religious diversity. They were harassed and their lands and properties were grabbed and looted.
After the Bon Agreement, and formation of the new system, Afghan Sikhs had a relatively peaceful life but, they were under a series attacks in recent years. The last terrorist attack on Hindu-Sikhs temple in Kabul caused them to leave Afghanistan.
It is estimated that only two Hindus families and 17 Sikhs families currently live in Afghanistan that they will leave the country in the coming days.

Afghan Sikhs leave Afghanistan while Taliban are the grand meeting of religious scholars –Loya Jirga, without giving a chance to women, minority ethnic and religious groups to participate in the meeting in Kabul.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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