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Taliban shoot four civilians in Kandahar and Farah


26 June 2022
Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: Extrajudicial detention and field execution are the normal methods of Taliban to suppress the former security forces and civilians in Afghanistan. On 26 June, Taliban shot and killed in a field execution four men in Kandahar and Farah.
A video sent to the media show two men are shot by Taliban charged in theft, raping and dishonesty.
The local authority during shooting them on a loud speaker says that they attempted theft and dishonesty of the people on Farah-Kandahar highway. On the same day, Taliban shot two men, including a former security force, in Kandahar.
On 26 June, Taliban detained two people charging them in cooperation with the NRF, from Kabul. Mirwais and Ali are from Tonkhoi village of Dareh district of Panjshir.

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