Slide Show Special Reports

UN; Taliban Guarantee the Existence of AL-Qaeda

Writer: Khaliq Ebrahimi
Translator: M-Rezaie
14 june 2022
A new report of the UN monitoring team shows Al-Qaeda benefits from the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the group is happy with it.
The new report of the UN monitoring team was released on 26 May 2022 and submitted to the UN Security Council. ‬‬‬‬‬The main point of the report is the continuation of relations between the Taliban and the Al-Qaeda terrorist group.
The report says friendly relations continue between Taliban and Al-Qaeda and Al-Qaeda is happy with the Takeover of Afghanisthe tan by the Taliban.
The report says Al-Qaeda seeks to attract new members and financial support using the new environment under the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The report adds, that Al-Qaeda uses the safe haven of Afghanistan to expand its influence and motivate other affiliate groups at the international level.
The report confirms the idea of the experts saying Afghanistan has changed into a safe haven for Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
Michael Semple, a university lecturer and expert on Afghanistan says the Takeover of Afghanistan has provided a friendly environment for Al-Qaeda to reorganize its forces. ‬‬‬‬
He has recently told the Britain Parliament the that takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban firstly guarantees the existence of Al-Qaeda and secondly provides a secure environment for rebuilding the Al-Qaeda Network. His opinion has been reflected in the UN report as well.
The UN report says members of Al-Qaeda live in former diplomatic areas of Kabul and have access to the meetings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taliban. They also consult Taliban leaders and support them.
However, the UN monitoring team and Michael Semple believe Al-Qaeda can’t attack any target out of Afghanistan until 2023.
The UN report show limitations on foreign attacks on Al-Qaeda may be due to prevent Al-Qaeda to harm Taliban interests or due to guarantees the group has given the international community.
The report indicates that Al-Qaeda currently works on short-term goals such as recruiting new members, training them, collecting financial aid, and propagation.
However, the UN report clarifies that the Taliban’s commitment to limit the capabilities of Al-Qaeda is unclear “in midterm and long term” and Sample has said the Taliban is not a reliable partner to combat terrorism.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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