Human Rights Slide Show Women

Taliban: The Islamists Tempted by Seeing Women

Mohmmad Ahmady
Translated by M. Rezaie
The Acting Minister of the Taliban for the Ministry of Ordering to Virtue and Preventing Vice, in a meeting with Turkish Ambassador to Kabul has said, they want to Implement Islam and Hejab in a manner to be eagerly received by people.
However, Afghan religious scholars and religious scholars of many other Islamic countries have repeatedly said the Taliban’s behaviors are not aligned with Islamic principles. According to these scholars, banning girls’ education and suicide is against Islam.
However, the Taliban feel proud banning girls’ education and carrying suicide attacks to ensure sharia.
Sarajuddin Haqqani, the Acting Minister of the Taliban for Ministry of Interior Affairs, has said in Kabul, no other group has carried suicide attacks as the Taliban group. He has said he has trained about 1500 suicide bombers.
He also had claimed in a telephone call with the suicide bombers on Continental hotel of Kabul that the suicide attack has been led by Prophet Mohammad (PBU).
Enmity with Art
The Taliban forces broke into pieces the sculptures of the faculties of fine arts of Kabul and Herat universities and had told them they must not paint animals and make sculptures anymore.
The Taliban group destroyed the Two Buddha’s Statue on March 9, 2001, with religious and ethnic motives behind it. Destroying these two huge statues caused strong international reactions. But, such reactions will never fill the empty places of these two statues. The wound of such destruction will remain in the heart of history forever. The Masterpiece of architecture and human sculpture was destructed. And with destructing Buddha’s Statues, parts of Afghanistan’s ancient history were eliminated.
The Taliban also have banned listening to music and have ordered the Afghan citizens to refrain from listening to music and singing a song.
The Taliban forces detained a group of a music band in Kunar and hung the musical instruments around their necks. Then they were walked across the city while being insulted by the Taliban members. The Taliban forces, also killed a young boy who had listened to music in his brother’s wedding ceremony.
There has been recently a video posted on social media showing a local artist fearing the Taliban he has hidden himself in a box. Then the Taliban while insulting the man bring him out of the box, taking his mobile and musical instruments, the Taliban take picture of the man.
Banning Girls’ School; as the Tribal Mindset of Taliban
When the Taliban introduced themselves as “Tahrik Islami Taliban Keram”, they announced restricting the freedom of women as their main agenda.
They thought they would serve Islam greatly by restricting women in the four walls of the house. According to the Taliban, staying at home, serving the family, and bringing children are the main responsibilities of women in society. They also have recently retreated their opinion on women saying it is better for women to stay at home and bring children.
Burqa; Imposing the Culture of a Tribal Group on all Afghan Women
Taliban ordered women on May 7, 2022, to observe the Islamic hejab and said burqa was the best hejab for women. They said if a woman does not observe hejab her guardian will be summoned, imprisoned and further actions will be taken about him.
Taliban had already imposed restrictions on women. The Taliban Directorate of Ordering to Vice and Preventing from Virtue, issued an order on March 29, 2022, those women who come to the provincial offices wearing Western and Eastern clothes and tempt the Mujhedin, must not be allowed to the offices, saying “If women do not observe hejab, the Mujahedin will be tempted.”
The Last Nail on the Coffin of Freedom of Speech; Women Presenter Must Wear a Mask
Taliban announced on May 18, 2022, women presenters must wear a mask while presenting TV programs. The Taliban group ordered women presenters to wear a mask while presenting TV programs.
The new order of Taliban was widely criticized by former Afghan government officials including former President Hamid Karzai. Ex-Afghan Prez Hamid Karzai asked women not to observe the new decree of the Taliban. He said wearing burqa got nothing to do with Islam or Afghan culture.

Dying is Better than Living Under the Taliban Rule
Imposing continues restrictions on women freedom has caused Afghan women to look for ways to leave Afghanistan or kill themselves.
When Taliban had recently seized power and banned girls’ school over 7 grade, a 17-year girl jumped of a high building in west of Kabul and killed herself opposing the Taliban restrictions. Following that, Freshta, the top student of Zawol university killed herself. According to her classmates, she feared the Taliban officials may close again the universities after the exams and she may not be able to complete her education. Her heart finally stopped beating and she died. Freshta was in the last year of her education and was studying at curative faculty of Zawol University.
Under Taliban, Domestic Violence Has Increased
Retaking power by Taliban has opened the space for those who enjoy violence against women in Afghanistan. The make their wives and daughters to stay at home, forced marriage and child marriage. There were several cases published on the media that some men killed their wives by knife in Kandahar and Urozgan provinces. Such an environment has forced women to kill themselves. One women and one girl have been recently killed in Samangan and Takhar provinces due to domestic violence. Local sources in Takhar said Zubaida 23, a young girl, killed herself Eating rat  poison… Zaubaida was recently graduated from education faculty of Samangan University.
Mysterious killings increased; No Woman is safe under the Taliban government
Mysterious killing of women has increased after the Kabul fell. This trend started from Mazar Sharif and expanded to other provinces. Two girls were gun shot in Balkh province and their bodies were left in Tangi Shadian of Balkh.
The bodies of a young girl aged 18 was found on December 5, 2021, among the wastes in west of Kabul. The eye witnesses said first she had been raped and then killed. Before this incident, the dead body of a woman with closed hands was found in a … in Kandahar. Two women were also shot dead on March 28, 2022, in Badghis province by unknown armed men. In a new case, a woman was killed on May 23, 2022, by a knife in Faryab province.
The above mentioned incidents show that Taliban have an issue with the life and women, and they do not women to live a normal life in Afghanistan.
Therefore, Afghan men and women either must accept the suppressive life under the Taliban or fight against them in an organized and purposeful manner to realize their freedom.

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