Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

List of the Killings; Taliban Retaliate Non-Pashtuns Harshly(2)

Taliban on Saturday 15 May, 2022, s Mama shot dead Mama Nasim near his house accusing him of cooperating with the National Resistance Front.

Mohammad Ahmady
Translated by M. Rezaie
After retaking power by the Taliban group, Hazaras and other Non-Pashtun ethnic groups have been the victims of target killings. They are regularly detained and shot dead by the Taliban group.
Recently Ricahrd Bent the special Reporter Human Rights Organization has been assigned to oversee the human rights situation in Afghanistan under the Taliban government.
Before travelling to Afghanistan, Bent had said on the terrorist attack Saydulshohada high school that filing to protect Hazara community who have been target fully attacked and killed had frightening consequences.
However, Taliban try to justify the brutal killings of non-Pashtun ethnic groups as cooperating with the National Resistance Front and other armed groups opposing the Taliban. The truth is that Taliban are retaliating other ethnic groups.
Thought the local media and human rights organizations are not allowed to work across the country, and Afghan journalists are killed, detained and threatened by Taliban, tens of people are shod deaf by the Taliban members in Afghanistan.
As usual, we have assessed the killings and detentions of the people during the last week.
Taliban on Saturday 15 May, 2022, s Mama shot dead Mama Nasim near his house accusing him of cooperating with the National Resistance Front.
Mama Nasim was a local leader and a former Jihadi person of Khoramsarbagh district of Samangan province. He was lately working on his farm and had not military and political activities.
Local sources said Taliban shot dead two civilians named Abdul Ghafar and Abdul Fatah in Karanwamanjan district of Badkhshan. They have been accused to criticizing the inappropriate behavior with the people in Badakhshan province.
Taliban showed bodies of two men on Tuesday 18 May 2022, in the center of Herat city.
Local sources said Taliban claimed they have thieves who had armed clashes with the Taliban forces in Enjil district of Herat province.
The Taliban forces detained on Tuesday 18 May 2022, four young men in Khost district of Baghlan accusing them of having connections with the National Resistance Front.
The local sources said they had connections with no armed groups.
Taliban shod dead on Tuesday 18 May 2022, three former members of public uprising forces in Khajaghar district of Takhar province. Ewazkhan, Haiatullah and Abdulqasim were accused of having relations the National Resistance Front.
Taliban had formerly killed another former member of public apprising member named Slahuddind in Takhar accusing him of having connections with the National Resistance Front.
Local sources said they had thrown away the body of Slahuddind before the dogs and they had eaten parts of his body.

Mohammad Akbar had not connections with the opposing groups of Taliban.

Taliban detained Tuesday 18 May 2022 Mohammad Akbar the teacher of Onoi high school in Andarab district of Baghlan province accusing him of having connections with the National Resistance Front.
Local sources said Mohammad Akbar had not connections with the opposing groups of Taliban.
Taliban detained 3 Panjshiri youth in Haji Chaman Sarak e Chhelmetra on Thursday May 20, 22 and took him to an unknown ara.
Local sources sltd 8 Subh Daily that Taliban had arrested on Thursday May 20, 22 seven people form Khirkhana 315 area, 9 people from Qala Najarha, 3 people from Sar Kotal and other parts of Khairkhana in Kabul.”

Armed men riding a motorcycle on Thursday May 20, 22 killed a busninessman in Rastaqabad of Konduz.

Armed men riding a motorcycle on Thursday May 20, 22 killed a busninessman in Rastaqabad of Konduz.
Motieullah Director of Information and Culture department of Konduz told Eelaatroz the perpetrators had scaped the scene and no has been arrested in this connection yet.
Taliban detained on Thursday May 20, 22 Mohammad Naiem a teacher of a private school in Jabraeil Township of Herat. Local sources said Taliban had arrested Mohammad Naiem for criticizing Taliban on the social media.
Before this incident, Taliban had arrested Khalid Amiri, a writer and reporter, and he was sentenced by the military court for a 3-year prison.

Taliban detained on Thursday May 20, 22 Mohammad Naiem a teacher of a private school in Jabraeil Township of Herat.

The Taliban forces detained Gharibullah from Panjshir on Thursday May 19, 2022 from Police District 4 of Kabul charging.
Detaining and killing civilians are against the human rights values and principles and international laws of war which have been neglected by the Taliban group. International human rights groups and the UN has not taken this part of the catastrophe seriously and they have mainly focused on limitations on women cover and education of girls.
However, Afghan people strongly urge the international community to stop Taliban detaining and killing the civilians and former members of the security forces. No body must be detained illegally. No body shall be killed for being the member of a certain ethnic group, religion, linguistic and locality.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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