Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Fears and Threats after the Explosion in Mumtaz Education Center

Ali Zahak
Translated by: M. Rezaie
As usual, I woke up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I checked facebook and twitter and noticed there have a terrorist attack on Mumtaz Education Center in Qala e Naw of Dasht e Barchi of Kabul. I reached there with half an hour delay.
The Taliban fighters were there and allowed no one to enter the educational center. I told them I was one of the relatives of the manager of the educational center and then they allowed me to go in. I realized Taliban were investigating Engineer Juya the Manager of the Mumtaz Education Center and I talked with Eshaq Juya, his brother, and he showed me the class in which the explosion had went off.

I wanted to take photos and record videos, but Taliban did not allow me saying there has not been a bad event and only there has been an explosion which had no casualties. The Taliban were cleaning the scene and destroying the signs of the explosion. I waited for half an hour to talk with the Mutaz Education Manager. But he was under investigation by Taliban. I asked about the details of the explosion from Eshaq Juya.
He said it happened at 6:55 AM today. One of the Pashtunعstudents had implanted the explosives in the entrance exam preparation class and when he receives a telephone call and went out of the class, the explosion occurred. According to Eshaq Juya 5 students have been injured. The health conditions of one student is not good, but the other four students have minor injuries.
He said Taliban officials had several times come there and had told them to separate girl and boy classes.
According to manager of Mumtaz Education Center, the Pashtun student who had implanted the explosives had registered in several education centers. He had registered in the same time in Champion Education Center too.
I left the Mumtaz Education Center to prepare a short report for Jade Abrsham. I was on my way to Dasht e Barchi near Barchi oil station which an explosion went off in Abdul Rahim Shahid High School. Then I tried to reach to the scene. But Taliban had closed the ally and allowed no reporters to approach the area. I went to a secure area to follow the explosion in Abdul Rahim Shahid High School.
It was about 12 o’clock that I heard Taliban officials had detained officials of mumtaz Education Center. I phoned Eshaq Juya to ask about the details, he told me it was true but did not know where Taliban had taken his brothe. After breaking my fast or having iftar, I phoned Eshaq Juya and he told me his brother was released with a guarantee after 8 hours. He told me they could hardly find his brother along with one teacher and one injured student of Mumtaz Education center and some other detainees being detained in a dark room in PD 13 of Kabul. Taliban had tortured two other prisoners badly. He said he had asked Taliban why they had detained his brother and they had just told him they “wanted him to stay there tonight to teach him how to run an education center!” Eshaq Juya told me he has been very worried about his brother and one of the teachers of the Mumtaz Education Center when he had seen the prisoners who could not stand on their feet. According to him, Education Association of West of Kabul had talked with the PD chief to release Manager and one of the teachers of the Mumtaz Education Center and the PD chief had finally agreed to resale them base on a guarantee.
I went the next day to Mumtaz Eduation Center to talk with Engineer Juya. Manager of Mumtaz Education Center told me Engineer Juya had gone to visit the injured students and I could not succeed to talk to him. According to Manager of Mumtaz Educational Center, Taliban had told them not to talk with media and no reporter was allowed to enter the education center. Manager of Mumtaz Education Center told me they only had 5,000 afs to pay for treatment of the students and their families could not afford the fees of hospital and medicine and he asked me to help them collect money for treatment of the people with injuries.

These explosions have not been able to demotivate the students of Mumtaz Education Center. During an hour which I was there, several boys and girls came to the office of the center and asked about when the classes would restart. They were afraid and worried but determined not to give up an it was motivating me as well.
Mohammad, Ramazan, Hassan Reza, Sharifa and Mohammad Hossain were students with serious injuries and injuries of other students were not much serious. But Mohammad is in the hospital and according to his relatives he has lost one of his kidneys. Mohammad is from Waras district of Bamyan province and lives in one of the poor areas of Kabul city and his family is very poor. Mohammad’s father has a cart and affords hardly 11 members of his family. Ramazan has been discharged from the hospital but his health is not in a good condition and he needs operations.
The identities and health conditions of Mumtaz Education Center according to the MED is as the following:
1. Mohammad son of Alidad.
Health condition: He is currently hospitalized in the emergency section of Mohammad Ali Jenah hospital. There are more than 100 pellets in his body. His father is cart man who must afford 11 members of his family which 5 of them are students.
2. Ramazan son of Hossain dad
Health conditions:
He has been discharged from hospital and in bed at home. Pellets are in his arm bone and has blackened it. He lives in Tapah e Katabelandi located in Abdullah Ansari township.
3. Hassan Reza son of Mohammadullah
Health conditions: pellets are in his west, hand, and leg. He shall be operated. His father is sick and unemployed. He lives in Cheheltan area of Imam Ali Mosque of Barchi.
4. Sharifa daughter of Mohammad Taqi.
Health conditions: pellets have hit his hand. He has been discharged from the hospital and is under care in his house. He lives near Sayedul Shahada High School. There was an attack on this school last year on these days and all the victims were girl students.
5. Mohammad Hossain
Heath conditions: His west has been injured and he is at home now. His old father works and affords his family. They are very poor and have countless economic problems.
6. Asma daughter of Hafizullah
Health conditions: She has serious mental problems. She was mentally shocked due to the terrorist attack on Saydul Shada High School last year. He faints consequently.

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