Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Seven Months in Darkness: Assessing Hazaras Status Under the Taliban Rule


Internally displaced people from Malistan district of Ghazni.

Writer: Khaliq Ebrahimi
Translator: M-rezaie

A. Killing Civilians
Taliban killed 9 civilians from 4 to 6 June, 2021 when the insurgent group attacked on Malistan district of Ghazni province. The Amnesty International said 6 of the people were shot dead and 3 of them died under the Taliban torture.
13 Hazaras were killed in Khedir district of Daykondi in 30 August, 2021. According to the details provided by the Amnesty International, there were 1 girl aged 17, 2 civilians, and 9 former ANSDF members among the victims.
B. Forced Displacement
The Taliban started displacing people from their own lands after the collapse of the Republican. Hazaras were forced to leave their lands while they already were facing Livelihood shortfall because of the war and severe draughts. “It is truly an act of tyranny to forcibly make the people leave their lands while it is the season of harvest and just before the winter.” Gusman deputy for Asia of the Human Right watch said.
The Human Rights Watch has confirmed forced displacement of Hazaras in several provinces of Afghanistan. The Human Rights Watch confirms that the Taliban and their militias have forced tens of hundreds of families from Helmand, Daykondi, Urozgan and Daykondi provinces to leave their homes and have given their homes and lands to supporters of the group.

Evacuation process of Daykondi villages by Taliban.

Hazaras have been forcibly displaced from Qubatul Islam district of Balkh province and Nowmish district of Helmand province. However, most Hazaras have been displaced from Urozgan and Daykondi provinces. According to Jade Abresham Weekly, more than 3020 people have been forced to leave their homes and lands from 15 villages. They totally have lost about 6940 acres of agriculture lands.

After cancelling the evacuation order of Hazara villages about 700 families returned to Kandir and Tagabdara villages. According to a local resident, nothing has remained for those who returned to their homes; all their properties including windows, carpets and other properties of the people have been looted. Even the windows, carpets and appliances of the mosques and public places have been looted by the Taliban supporters.
Ahmad Hossain (forge name), one of the people displaced from Kinder of Pato district told Jade Abresham that Khawanin of Khalaj had displaced them supported by the Taliban. He accuses the Taliban governor being involved in the incident and as a result no supports were provided to the displaced people. He said 4 people died due to stress and brain stroke.

Daykondi women and children whose lands have been grabbed by Taliban.

C. Collecting Tithe
The Taliban started collecting tithe in some parts of Afghanistan, especially in Central Highlands, after they seized the power in the country. According to the local residents Taliban started collecting tithe from small businesses to the development projects implemented by the former government. The local residents consider collecting tithe as wasteful and unfair. One of the shopkeepers told Jade-Abresham(Silk way). the Taliban had taken 30,000 afghanis as tithe of his 50,000 capital.
They also collect tithe from the development projects implemented by the former government. They say these projects have been implemented by private companies but the Taliban want tithe from the local residents.
In addition to the killing of civilians, forced displacement and collecting tithe, Taliban reopen the former cases to support their members. For example, in one case in Malistan district of Ghazni province, they collected 500 afs from each household to compensate a cattle that was missed in 1980. According to recent reports Taliban have arrested and imprisoned two local leaders to receive more money from the people.
In another case, some Pashtuns opened property lawsuit against the lands of 20 Hazara families. Taliban not only took the lands of these families but they told the other families to pay the lease of the lands.
Taliban took 1,500,000 afs from 9 families in village of Khalifa of Lal and Sarjangal district and gave the money to the Kochis who had complained from Hazaras. In addition to that, they made these families to pay the lease of the lands for a specific period too and then leave their lands for the Kochis. Taliban ordered 4 families of Barishtogag village of Lalwalsarjangal district to pay 6,000,000 million.

Relatives of suicide bomb explosion of a shiite mosque in Kandahar (16 Octuber2021)

D. Suicide Attacks
ISIS attacked on Shiite Muslims prayers in Sayed Mosque of Kundoz killing more than 150 and injuring more 200 people. Then they attacked on a Shiite mosque in Kandahar killing 62 and injuring 90 people.
After Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in mid-August 2o21, Hazaras, who were the biggest victim of Taliban in 1990 and were systematically killed by the group, have been treated harshly by Taliban again. In addition to the reports of the major incidents during the past seven months, Hazaras have ethnic, religious and political disagreements with Taliban and they are the cause of Taliban pressures on Hazaras.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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