Human Rights Slide Show Women

Four Women killed Themselves in One Day


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way):
Four women killed themselves in one day on 3 July, in different provinces of Afghanistan as a sign of a dramatic domestic violence increase against women in the country. It shows women not only have been sidelined from the public sphere by the Taliban but, they face mounting domestic violence at home too.

Local sources from Daikondi province say that a girl ,17, killed herself on 3 July, in the Nawgonbad village of Kity district.

Local sources say that the girl had run away with the man she loved but was harshly criticized by her father. The girl had returned to her father’s home after her marriage and finally killed herself with a hunting gun.
Local sources say that a young girl killed herself due to domestic issues on 3 July, in Kalafgan district.
Last week, a young girl killed herself in Ashkamish district of Takhar province.
Days ago, a young girl killed herself in Sayed Baba village of Saighan district, hanging up herself in opposing to forced marriage by her parents.

Local sources say that a woman,80, fell to a water well in Arabha e Quruq village of Qaisar district and died.


Local sources in Urozgan province say that a girl ,18, killed herself due to opposing her parents with her marriage to the man she loved in Dehrawood district of Urozgan.
The girl killed herself by eating narcotics on 3 Jul, in Dehzak village.
Local sources say the family of the boy had proposed serval times but the family of the girl had refused it.

Local sources say that a woman has been killed by her wife in Herat.
The incident occurred in police district 9 on 3 Jul. The motive of the murder is not clear yet. The Taliban district governor has arrested the murderer and investigations are going on.
The rate of murders and women suicide has dramatically increased after Kabul fell which it shows a direct link with the Taliban’s anti-women policies in the country.