Human Rights Slide Show Women

Women’s Movements Alliance Urged Taliban to End Sexually Violence Against Women


Writer: Adela Azin
Translated By. M.S Rezaie

Women’s Movements Alliance in a gathering on 8 September urged the Taliban in a statement to end misbehavior, aggression, sexual violence discrimination against the people of Afghanistan and especially women. Calling on the international community and human rights organizations, they said forced marriage, sexual abuse, and rape by the Taliban has become a common issue nowadays.

“Taliban leadership do not have principle control and authority over their subordinates, as a result, they forcibly marriage or rape women of opposing groups and rivals of Taliban. In many cases, such issues are not brought to the media and are not made public due to traditional norms and values by women in Afghanistan.”, the statement added.

They stated that the Taliban insult, discriminate, and oppress ethnic and religious groups but the international human rights organizations do not take any serious actions to stop the Taliban.

These women added some of the neighboring countries tend to recognize the Taliban without changing their oppressive policies, but they called on the international community and human rights organizations not to recognize the Taliban unless they change their discriminatory policies.

The statement ends by emphasizing that censorship of the news and facts has changed into a major challenge in the absence of professional journalists and nearly no institution takes it seriously.

According to them, most Taliban sexual violence, oppression, and extrajudicial behaviors unnoticed in the absence of free media and it needs the urgent attention by the international community and human rights organizations.

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